- 분류
- 건강, 보건 / Health (5)
- 경제, 금융, 청정개발체제 / Economy, Finance, CDM (10)
- 교통 / Transportation (4)
- 기상재해 / Extreme Weather Events (9)
- 기후변화과학 / Climate Change Science (15)
- 녹색일자리 / Green Jobs (7)
- 농업 / Agriculture (7)
- 담수, 물 부족 / Fresh Water (1)
- 산림 / Forestry, REDD (5)
- 생태계, 생물 / Ecosystem, Biology (8)
- 생활방식 / Lifestyle (16)
- 시민사회, 소통 / Society, Communication (12)
- 에너지, 자원 / Energy, Resources (11)
- 온실가스, 배출권거래제도 / GHG, ETS (19)
- 정의, 인권 / Justice, Human Rights (20)
- 정책 / Policy (10)
- 주거, 건물, 도시 / Housing, Building, City (15)
- 지속가능사회 / Sustainable Society (3)
- 폐기물 / Waste (1)
- 해양 / Ocean (2)
- 핵에너지 / nuclear energy (5)
기후변화행동연구소2012.02.14 10:54:27
기후변화, 환경 관련 단체 홈페이지
* 혼자 보기 아까운 웹페이지가 있으면 댓글로 알려주세요~!
1. 건강, 보건
환경보건시민센터 http://www.eco-health.org/
대한보건협회 http://www.kpha.or.kr/
Meat Eater's Guide http://www.ewg.org/meateatersguide/
Green Cross Korea http://www.gck.kr/
기후변화건강포럼 http://cafe.naver.com/MyCafeIntro.nhn?clubid=17397743
2. 경제, 금융, 청정개발체제
Asia-Pacifi Partnership on Clean Development and Climate http://www.asiapacificpartnership.org/english/default.aspx
3. 교통
Transport for London http://www.tfl.gov.uk/
Campaign for Better Transport http://www.bettertransport.org.uk/home
Cycle Solutions http://www.cyclesolutions.co.uk/
World Carfree Network http://www.worldcarfree.net/
Cycle Aylesbury - It's better by Bike http://www.cycleaylesbury.co.uk/
4. 기상재해
기상청 http://www.kma.go.kr/index.jsp
독일 기상청 http://www.dwd.de/
5. 기후변화 과학
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change http://www.ipcc.ch/
기후회의론 Skeptical Science http://www.skepticalscience.com/
Climate Interactive http://climateinteractive.org/
NASA Datasets and images http://data.giss.nasa.gov/
Climate Analytics (독일 NGO) http://www.climateanalytics.org/
Eye on Earth http://eyeonearth.cloudapp.net/
6. 녹색일자리
Latest Renewable Energy Jobs http://www.greenjobs.com/
Green Job Search http://jobs.greenbiz.com/
Canadian Environmental Jobs http://www.goodworkcanada.ca/
7. 농업
Food and Agriculture Organization http://www.fao.org/
Regional Fisheries Liveligoods Programme for South and Southeast Asias http://www.rflp.org/
8. 담수, 물 부족
한국물환경학회 http://www.kswq.org/
빗물박사 한무영 교수 블로그 http://husky_tmp.marker/9201http://blog.daum.net/drrainwater/7882733
난지물재생센터 http://nanji.seoul.go.kr/
9. 산림
산림청 탄소나무계산기 http://www.forest.go.kr/newkfsweb/html/HtmlPage.do?pg=/policy/policy_020302.html&mn=KFS_06_02_03_02
UN REDD programme http://www.un-redd.org/
Climate Change Resource Center(CRCC, US) http://www.fs.fed.us/
10. 생태계, 생물
Environmental Defense Fund http://www.edf.org/
World Wildlife Fund http://www.wwf.org/
녹색연합 http://www.greenkorea.org/
녹색교육센터 http://www.greenedu.or.kr/
Roots & Shoots http://www.rootsandshoots.org/
제인구달 연구소 http://www.janegoodall.org/
11. 생활 방식
Team Green Britain http://www.teamgreenbritain.org/
환경과 생명을 지키는 전국 교사 모임 http://chamsil.eduhope.net/bbs/index.php?board=konect
No Impact Project http://noimpactproject.org/
12. 시민사회, 소통
Tck Tck Tck Global Campaign for Climate Action http://tcktcktck.org/
350.org http://www.350.org/
Friends of the Earth International http://www.foei.org/
환경운동연합 http://www.kfem.or.kr/
환경교육센터 http://edutopia.or.kr/
기후변화홍보포털 http://www.gihoo.or.kr/portal/main/index.jsp
어린이 기후변화교실 http://www.gihoo.or.kr/portal/child/
60+ Earth Hour http://www.earthhour.org/
한중일 환경정보사이트 http://www.enviroasia.info/top/index.php3?K
the Green Search Engine http://www.greenseng.com/
Earth Share http://www.earthshare.org/
13. 에너지, 자원
Orb Energy http://www.orbenergy.com/
Institute for Sustainable Energy Policy(일본) http://www.isep.or.jp/e/Eng_index.html
Zayed Future Energy Prize http://www.zayedfutureenergyprize.com/
GreenPeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/
영국 에너지기후변화국 http://www.decc.gov.uk/
100 Top Renewable Energy Sites http://www.world.org/weo/energy
14. 온실가스, 배출권거래제도
Carbon Trust http://www.carbontrust.co.uk/
Carbon Disclosure Project https://www.cdproject.net
Norwegian Institute for Air Research http://www.nilu.no/Forsiden/tabid/41/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
Carbon Balance and Management http://www.cbmjournal.com/
Climate Action Tracker (호주) http://www.climateactiontracker.org/
Point Carbon http://www.pointcarbon.com/
Breathing Earth http://www.breathingearth.net/
15. 정의, 인권
Global Cender and Climate Alliance http://www.gender-climate.org/
에너지 정치센터 http://www.enerpol.net/
에너지 정의행동 http://eco-center.org
World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth(기후변화민중총회) http://pwccc.wordpress.com/
Oxfam http://www.oxfam.org.uk/
Overseas Developement Institute http://www.odi.org.uk/
Realizing Rights - the Ethical Globalization Initiative http://www.realizingrights.org/
1% for the Planet http://www.onepercentfortheplanet.org/en/
Gender CC - Women for Climate Justice http://www.gendercc.net/
AVAAZ http://www.avaaz.org/en/
16. 정책
UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) http://unfccc.int/2860.php
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy http://www.ceep.udel.edu/ceep.html
미국 환경청 http://www.epa.gov/
17. 주거, 건물, 도시
Cities for People http://www.citiesforpeople.net/
한국패시브건축협회 http://www.phiko.kr/
영국 큐브하우스 http://www.cubeproject.org.uk/
PassivHaus 디자인 연구소 http://passiv.co.kr/
Passive House Institute (독일) http://www.passiv.de/07_eng/index_e.html
Passive House Intitute US http://www.passivehouse.us/passiveHouse/PHIUSHome.html
Certified European Passive House Designer http://eu.passivehousedesigner.de/
One Difference http://www.onedifference.org/
18. 지속가능사회
월드워치연구소 http://www.worldwatch.org/
레스터브라운의 지구정책연구소 http://www.earth-policy.org/
에너지 아카데미(덴마크, 삼쇠) http://energiakademiet.dk/en/
Forum for the Future (영국 NGO) http://www.forumforthefuture.org/
지속가능경영원 http://www.bisd.or.kr/
지속가능발전기업협의회 http://www.kbcsd.or.kr/
Investor Network on Climate Risk, CERES http://www.ceres.org/
19. 폐기물
20. 해양
Antartic and Southern Ocean Coalition http://www.asoc.org/
British Antarctic Survey http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/
21. 핵에너지
CNIC, Citizens' Nuclear Information Center(일본) http://www.cnic.jp/english/
22. 기타 연구소, NGO, 매체 등
포츠담 기후변화영향연구소 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research http://www.pik-potsdam.de/
Resources for the Future(환경 전반, 민간 연구소) http://www.rff.org/Pages/default.aspx
Global Adaptation Atlas (by RFF) http://www.adaptationatlas.org/
Climate Change News Digest http://www.climatechangenews.org/
Climate Debate Daily http://climatedebatedaily.com/
Green Tech Media http://www.greentechmedia.com/
World View of Global Warming, the photographic documentation of Climate Change http://www.worldviewofglobalwarming.org/
Sustainability at Harvaard http://green.harvard.edu/
| |
136 | 시민사회, 소통 / Society, Communication | 2011.12.26 | |
135 | 녹색일자리 / Green Jobs | 2011.12.26 | |
134 | 에너지, 자원 / Energy, Resources | 2011.12.26 | |
133 | 기상재해 / Extreme Weather Events | 2011.12.26 | |
132 | 교통 / Transportation | 2011.12.26 | |
131 | 경제, 금융, 청정개발체제 / Economy, Finance, CDM | 2011.12.26 | |
130 | 건강, 보건 / Health | 2011.12.26 | |
129 | 건강, 보건 / Health | 2011.12.26 | |
128 | 정의, 인권 / Justice, Human Rights | 2011.12.26 | |
127 | 농업 / Agriculture | 2011.12.05 | |
126 | 지속가능사회 / Sustainable Society | 2011.11.21 | |
125 | 주거, 건물, 도시 / Housing, Building, City | 2011.09.14 | |
124 | 경제, 금융, 청정개발체제 / Economy, Finance, CDM | 2011.09.14 | |
123 | 핵에너지 / nuclear energy | 2011.09.14 | |
122 | 시민사회, 소통 / Society, Communication | 2011.09.01 | |
121 | 정책 / Policy | 2011.09.01 | |
120 | 주거, 건물, 도시 / Housing, Building, City | 2011.08.26 | |
119 | 온실가스, 배출권거래제도 / GHG, ETS | 2011.08.26 | |
118 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.08.26 | |
117 | 에너지, 자원 / Energy, Resources | 2011.08.26 |