• [ICCA 카드뉴스 #119] 외국 언론이 주목한 2022년(11월까지)의 기후 도서 20권
  • 기후변화행동연구소
    조회 수: 390, 2022.11.20 01:13:50




    고해상도 카드뉴스 내려받기: https://bit.ly/ClimateCrisisBooks-a




    고해상도 카드뉴스 내려받기: https://bit.ly/ClimateCrisisBooks-b


    외국 언론이 2022년(11월까지) 관심을 보였던(서평을 썼거나 올해의 도서로 선정) ‘기후’ 관련 도서를 정리했습니다. 책은 저자 성(姓)의 알파벳 순입니다. 모두 비소설이며, 각 도서에 주목한 언론은 다음과 같습니다.


    1. A Blue New Deal: Why We Need a New Politics for the Ocean

    저자: Chris Armstrong

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000007490920

    추천 언론: The New Statesman (https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/books/2022/11/best-books-year-2022)


    2. Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World

    저자: Karen Armstrong

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000021464111

    추천 언론: The New Yorker (https://www.newyorker.com/best-books-2022)


    3. Life on the Rocks: Building a Future for Coral Reefs

    저자: Juli Berwald 

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000010431106

    추천 언론: The Daily Beast (https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-best-summer-reads-of-2022)


    4. The Value of a Whale: On the Illusions of Green Capitalism

    저자: Adrienne Buller

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000029996694

    추천 언론: Wired (https://www.wired.com/story/the-value-of-a-whale-adrienne-buller-q-and-a/)


    5. The Petroleum Papers: Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change

    저자: Geoff Dembicki

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000035033389

    추천 언론: The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/books/2022/11/17/best-books/)


    6. An Inconvenient Apocalypse: Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis, and the Fate of Humanity

    저자: Wes Jackson & Robert Jensen

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000200147552

    추천 언론: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (https://www.abc.net.au/religion/philosophy-for-life-in-ecological-collapse-wes-jackson-robert-j/14060484)


    7. Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-Friendly Future

    저자: Philip Lymbery 

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000061589747

    추천 언론: The New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/26/books/review/new-this-week.html)


    8. What We Owe The Future: A Million-Year View

    저자: William MacAskill

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000061592269

    추천 언론: Financial Times (https://www.ft.com/content/bd9e8141-b97e-4e7a-8038-8d1dbe99d54d)


    9. The Insect Crisis: The Fall of the Tiny Empires That Run the World

    저자: Oliver Milman 

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000023637514

    추천 언론: The Revelator (https://therevelator.org/environmental-books-birds-bugs/)


    10. Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet

    저자: George Monbiot

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000060629905

    추천 언론: Smithsonian (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/blogs/earth-optimism/2022/11/01/regenesis-feeding-the-world-without-devouring-the-planet-earth-optimism-book-of-the-month/)


    11. The Primacy of Doubt: From climate change to quantum physics, how the science of uncertainty can help predict and understand our chaotic world

    저자: Tim Palmer

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000200030363

    추천 언론: Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/uncertainty-can-speed-up-climate-action/)


    12. Atoms and Ashes: A Global History of Nuclear Disasters

    저자: Serhii Plokhy 

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000023637662

    추천 언론: Nature (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01390-y)


    13. Fen, Bog and Swamp: A Short History of Peatland Destruction and Its Role in the Climate Crisis

    저자: Annie Proulx

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000037078842

    추천 언론: Esquire (https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/g38675785/best-books-2022/)


    14. Eating to Extinction: The World's Rarest Foods and Why We Need to Save Them

    저자: Dan Saladino

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000002477795

    추천 언론: Time (https://time.com/collection/must-read-books-2022/)


    15. The Future Is Degrowth: A Guide to a World beyond Capitalism

    저자: Matthias Schmelzer, Aaron Vansintjan, Andrea Vetter

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000035730606

    추천 언론: The Chronicle of Higher Education (https://www.chronicle.com/article/higher-eds-cult-of-growth)


    16. Worn: A People’s History of Clothing

    저자: Sofi Thanhauser

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000009844885

    추천 언론: Harper’s Bazaar (https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/art-books-music/g38676096/best-new-books-of-2022/)


    17. The Intersectional Environmentalist: How to Dismantle Systems of Oppression to Protect People + Planet

    저자: Leah Thomas

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000007637646

    추천 언론: Condé Nast Traveler (https://www.cntraveler.com/story/activist-leah-thomas-on-how-intersectional-environmentalism-and-travel-can-coexist)


    18. The Climate Book

    편저자: Greta Thunberg

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000061899080

    추천 언론: The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/nov/15/the-climate-book-created-by-greta-thunberg-review-an-angry-call-for-action)


    19. Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World

    저자: Gaia Vince

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000021464111

    추천 언론: The New Statesman (https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/books/2022/11/best-books-year-2022)


    20. Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis

    저자: Britt Wray

    구매처: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000011303506

    추천 언론: Maclean’s (https://www.macleans.ca/longforms/is-it-ethical-to-have-kids-in-the-climate-crisis/)

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