- 분류
- 건강, 보건 / Health (5)
- 경제, 금융, 청정개발체제 / Economy, Finance, CDM (10)
- 교통 / Transportation (4)
- 기상재해 / Extreme Weather Events (9)
- 기후변화과학 / Climate Change Science (15)
- 녹색일자리 / Green Jobs (7)
- 농업 / Agriculture (7)
- 담수, 물 부족 / Fresh Water (1)
- 산림 / Forestry, REDD (5)
- 생태계, 생물 / Ecosystem, Biology (8)
- 생활방식 / Lifestyle (16)
- 시민사회, 소통 / Society, Communication (12)
- 에너지, 자원 / Energy, Resources (11)
- 온실가스, 배출권거래제도 / GHG, ETS (19)
- 정의, 인권 / Justice, Human Rights (20)
- 정책 / Policy (10)
- 주거, 건물, 도시 / Housing, Building, City (15)
- 지속가능사회 / Sustainable Society (3)
- 폐기물 / Waste (1)
- 해양 / Ocean (2)
- 핵에너지 / nuclear energy (5)
- Fashion Futures 2025, global scenarios for a sustainable fashion industry(Forum for the Future, 2010) [생활방식 / Lifestyle]
기후변화행동연구소2011.07.19 16:38:52
“For the fashion industry to be sustainable economically, it must be sustainable socially and environmentally too. These provocative scenarios challenge all of us to look beyond the short term and use our collective power to work to create the kind of positive world we’d like to see in 2025.”
John Anderson, president and chief executive officer of Levi Strauss & Co.
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16 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2012.02.17 | |
15 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2012.02.03 | |
14 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2012.02.03 | |
13 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2012.01.20 | |
12 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2012.01.20 | |
11 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2012.01.20 | |
10 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2012.01.20 | |
9 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2012.01.06 | |
8 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.12.26 | |
7 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.08.26 | |
6 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.08.01 | |
5 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.07.21 | |
4 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.07.19 | |
√ | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.07.19 | |
2 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.06.29 | |
1 | 생활방식 / Lifestyle | 2011.04.26 |